The Challenge

Create a brand strategy and an integrated awareness campaign for The Balm in Gilead & The ISIS Project, an HPV and cervical cancer initiative targeting African American women on the need for regular screening to ensure early diagnosis and treatment. African American women have the highest cervical cancer death rate of any group of women and die at twice the rate of white women. Research showed that lack of information, affordable health care and a distrust of the medical industry contributed to the problem.

The Solution
Take advantage of the trust, respect, nurturing, emotional connection and word of mouth influence among African American women. Empower them with the information about HPV and cervical cancer and encourage them to educate each other. Speak to them with understanding while developing creative initiatives that allow them to see themselves, their sisters, their mothers and their daughters as someone they could help. The campaign: “Spread the Word! Save A Sister!”

ISIS Project and Baum in Gilead