Dallas’ site has shipped. We love his work and we loved this project.

To date, Dallas shoots for all the major modeling agencies in New York City, Los Angeles, Italy and Paris, and his images as graced fashion magazines such as Bleu, Essence, XEX and Page21 and Hollywood Weekly. He has photographed the Makari makeup campaign, Glynn Jackson Hair Productions, Celestino Couture, Get Focused Fitness, YM Fitness, Porselene skin care products, Durant for Robert Durant clothing line as well as JS Dirty Underwear, Adha Zelma Jewelry, Euge Fashions, Laruicci by Lauren Ruicci, Black Ice Jewelry, Vaughn Jereaux Fashions, Euge Designs and Jumelle Designs, Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy’s and various hair salons and hair companies along the eastern seaboard. He is recently teaching lighting seminars known as “Light Is Light”

Check it out his site here!


Dallas J Logan

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